Michigan’s small nonprofits can now formally apply for the $35M relief fund. The intent to apply was simply a tool to gauge need and interest statewide.
If you've filled out the 'intent to apply' form, please log back in and complete the application. If you did not fill out the 'intent to apply' form, you can still fill out an application and apply for the grant funding.
Other important facts for you to know:
Nonprofits do not have to be members of MNA to apply for/receive grant funding
The formal application opened, March 22, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST
The application will close on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST
Each eligible application will be reviewed by nonprofit and community leaders from the applicant's region. Applications will be scored based upon demonstrated need, narrative, and supporting documentation. Grant awards will be disbursed by the beginning of July 2023.
Visit the MNA website for more information here!